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Tennis Staff
 Martin Dowd
Men's Tennis Coach Martin Dowd is the dean of Catholic University coaches, having coached longer and enjoyed more victories, 408, than any other active Cardinal mentor.
Dowd's successful affiliation with the CUA tennis program spans more than four decades.  Beginning in 1965 as  afreshamn, he has been associateed with the team every year except 1961, when he was on active duty in the United States Coast Guard.  He worked as assistant tennis coach in 1962 before taking over the program the following year. 
Dowd turned in one of his finest coaching jobs in 2001 by leading the Cardinals to a 17-2 record.   Also, 44-9 over the past three years
While playing tennis for CUA, from which he graduated in 1960 with a degree in Art, Dowd led the squad to a 27-3 (.900) record his final two years, including a perfect 15-0 as a senior.  His overall record was an impressive 48-5 (.906)