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Tennis Staff
 Chris Bartlett

Head Coach, Chris Bartlett is in second year at the helm of the King College Tornado Tennis Program. By way of Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, North Carolina where he played and coached.  As a former player, Bartlett earned the MVP award in 1995, playing number 1 singles and doubles.  In 1998, Bartlett's singles match clinched the CVAC Championships and helped send the team to the NCAA Div. II Nationals in Springfield, Missouri.  Ending his college career, playing for the Bobcats with a top 20 national ranking and an overall team record of 21-1 for the season.  In 2001, Bartlett was ranked as high as 5th in the Men's 25 division in North Carolina and has been very active in USTA League Tennis from 2000 until present, making several trips to the State Finals.

As a coach, Bartlett led his men's team at Lees-McRae to a CVAC Final in 2005 with an 18-4 record for the season and a top 40 NCAA Division II ranking.  His men's team also featured the 5th ranked doubles team of Horan and Castanhiera, who were in the ITA Regional Finals in fall of 2004.  At King, Bartlett will bring experience as a former collegiate player and coach and a strong desire to, once again, bring The King College Tornado Tennis Teams into the NAIA National polls.

2007-2008 Men's Tornado Outlook: With five new recruits and all returning starters to the squad, the men's team has young talent and veteren experience and should produce solid results within the AAC and regionally. The team will have a fall season and play in ITA santioned tournaments.