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Things You Need to Consider Before Playing College Tennis
Monday, 03/20/2023
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Many tennis players aim to be part of their college tennis team because of how they love and enjoy the sport. While others  enter college tennis intending to become a professional players after college. 
College tennis is the stepping stone to a professional career. But no matter why you enter college tennis, you should consider some things to increase your chance of getting recruited and becoming a successful player. 
Below we have compiled the things that you should consider before you play college tennis: 
Practice Makes Perfect
When you decide to join college tennis, you should keep in mind that you must have impressive skills in the said sport. To do this, you should constantly practice playing tennis until you hone your skills and qualify for your college tennis team. 
Watching every tennis game could also help you improve your knowledge of tennis. You can create your own strategy that you can use when you play just by watching other players on the court. You can also bet on your favorite player when you watch tennis games. It will help you spice up your watching experience a bit. 
You can check out FanDuel sports betting for tennis game betting and your other sports betting needs. Moreover, you can also ask a friend or family member to watch with you and bet on the game. 
You Should Know Your UTR
After you become more confident with your skills, the next thing you should consider before applying for college tennis is knowing your UTR or Universal Tennis Ranking. It is because the first thing the coach will ask you during recruitment.
UTR is the Universal rating for tennis players worldwide. It helps compare tennis players and know who is better than the other. The UTR rating can range from 1 to 16, and the higher UTR, the better. 
Your UTR is an important thing as it demonstrates your personal playing ability. It also helps coaches know which college competition their skills are suitable for. To do this, your UTR will be compared with other players currently playing for your college tennis team.
Participate in Tournaments
Participating in tournaments isn't only an excellent way to practice to enhance your tennis skills. It is also a great opportunity to show your coach how well you play on the court. 
In addition, participating in tournaments will increase your UTR, so it's like hitting two birds with one stone.  However, when you decide to be active and play in tournaments, you should also note certain tournaments that appeal more to college coaches and try to focus on these events. 
Below are some of the tournaments that you should participate in that will surely capture the interest of your coach:
  • Hard Court Nationals
  • Clay Court Nationals
  • National Open
  • Eddie Herr
  • Winter Nationals
  • Orange Bowl
  • Section Closed
Create a name for yourself by joining these tournaments, and it'll be easy for you to join your college team. Take note that the sooner you participate in tournaments, the better. 
Play For A Tennis Club 
If you are still in high school and are planning to be part of the college tennis team in the future, you should consider playing club tennis aside from playing for your high school team. Be aware that college tennis recruitment is very competitive, and playing for a tennis club will increase your chance of getting recruited. 
Not only does playing for a tennis club give you a good reputation as a tennis player, but it can also give you extra exposure, experience, and knowledge that will help you improve your playing skills. 
Balancing Academic and Sports
Getting in on a college tennis team is one thing, but balancing academics and athletics is another. The challenge of entering a college tennis team and playing college tennis is only the tip of the iceberg. 
The real challenge is balancing getting a good grade while ensuring you are playing remarkably as a college tennis player. Although it sounds difficult, it's not impossible if you put your mind to it. 
Proper time management is the first key to successfully balancing academics and athletics. Next is acknowledging your responsibilities and priorities by knowing which should come first. Always remember that academics should come first as a student-athlete, and athletics is an extra-curricular activity that can be done after school.
Additionally, it will also help if you keep in mind that your sports are an escape from the stress in life and not something that will add to that stress. There's no harm in trying your best to become better at what you love doing. But there is also no harm in accepting failures and letting yourself blow off some steam once in a while. 
Doing these tips will also help you master the art of proper life balance, which will come in handy if you decide to pursue a professional tennis career. 
In Conclusion
Aside from the recruitment process itself, there are other things that you need to consider if you plan on playing college tennis. Therefore, remember the abovementioned things as you journey to a college tennis career and improve your college life. 
