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Diego Miranda's Profile
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  Diego Miranda
School: Riverside City College
Year: Sophomore
Home Town:
Home State:
Home Country: Brazil
High School:
Height: 6-0
Weight: 190 lbs.
Birth Date: Thursday, January 12, 1989
Dominant Hand: Right
Major: Business
Singles Record: 15-3
Doubles Record: 11-6
I was eleven when I hit my first tennis ball and have been playing a lot of tournaments since then. My most memorable moments were when I won state in brazil and also reaching the semi-finlas for nationals that year. I truly love the game and am working really hard to win State Champions this year of '09. I enjoy saying Vamos and Dale when winning the point and always look to Nadal and Kuerton for inspiration. After school I see myself playing tennis at the ATP level and living close to the beach with girlfriend and working for  great company. Till then I am working hard at improving my game and wanting to win state championship and also surfing the waves of Southern California.