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Casey Wallace's Profile
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  Casey Wallace
School: U.S. Air Force Academy
Year: Sophomore
Home Town: Scottsdale, AZ
Home State:
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High School: Chaparral
Height: 5-10
Birth Date: Tuesday, May 10, 1983
Dominant Hand: Right
Singles Record: 0-0
Doubles Record: 5-1

At Air Force
2001-02 (Fr.) - Played four doubles matches, winning all of them … went 2-0 at No. 2 doubles and 2-0 at the No. 3 position.

Before Air Force
Two-time state champion in high school ... three-time regional champion ... two years as team captain ... earned four letters in tennis.

Born May 10, 1983 … son of Robert and Ellen Wallace ... member of National Honor Society … majoring in management ... has one sister, Lindsey (21), who graduated last spring from West Point ... would like to become a pilot ... completed Combat Survival Training and took a computer science class last summer … favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption ... member of cadet squadron 35.