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Andrea Pintar's Profile
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  Andrea Pintar
School: UC Santa Barbara
Year: Junior
Home Town: Eden Prairie, Minn.
Home State:
Home Country:
High School: Eden Prairie HS
Height: 5-4
Birth Date: Friday, February 10, 1984
Dominant Hand: Right
Major: Undeclared
Singles Record: 65-43
Doubles Record: 66-36

High School
Played for Paul Huch and Paul Bailey and Eden Prairie High School...Went 25-0 her senior year...Won six All-Lake Conference awards...Became the first female to win the state singles championship from Eden Prairie High School...EPHS were five-time conference champions.

Born February 10, 1984 in Zemun, Yugoslavia...Parents are Mirko and Dobrila Pintar...Major is Communications with career aspirations in marketing and advertising.

Favorite food: chocolate
Favorite athlete: Michael Jordan
Favorite movie: Selena
Favorite TV show: Friends
My most prized possession is: my photo albums
I chose UCSB because: the great weather and great school
If I could invite one person to dinner, it would be: Robin Williams
My favorite tennis-related memory is: winning state
Three words that describe me are: outgoing, athletic, fun
My teammates would describe me as: a little crazy
The best advice I've ever been given is: Never, ever give up
If I could trade places with anyone for a day, it would be: Britney Spears
The most influential people in my life are: my parents
If I could do anything just once, I would: be a rock star
If a movie were made of my life, the person to play me would be: Sandra Bullock