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Stefannia Sampaio's Profile
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  Stefannia Sampaio
School: Univ. of Northern Iowa
Year: Junior
Home Town: Sao Paolo
Home State:
Home Country: Brazil
High School:
Weight: 0 lbs.
Birth Date:
Dominant Hand: Right
Singles Record: 0-1
Doubles Record: 0-1
Fall 2010: Went 3-2 in singles play... Had a 3-1 record in doubles play 2009-10: Posted an 11-15 overall record in singles play... was 3-3 in tournament play... had an 10-15 record when competing in doubles High School: Ranked as high as No. 53 in the Brazilian national rankings. Personal: Enjoys traveling and exploring new things...Electronic Media/Art Studio major... born November 15, 1990... chose UNI "because of the great academic program and a good place to call home" GETTING TO KNOW...Stefannia Sampaio Favorite Food: Risotto Favorite Athlete: Justine Henin Hardenne Favorite Movie: Scarface Favorite Books: Also Speak Zaratustra Season Goal: "Give my best in every match and go to Nationals" Favorite Quote: "Stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride"