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Brandon Johnson's Profile
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  Brandon Johnson
School: Radford University
Year: Senior
Home Town: Roanoke Virginia
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High School: American School
Height: 6-2
Weight: 160 lbs.
Birth Date: Saturday, January 14, 1984
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Major: Business
Singles Record: 62-53
Doubles Record: 36-45

2004:  Brandon came to Radford after a junior career that included a # 20 national ranking in the under 14s and a #1 ranking in the region under 18. Also on the trophy case is the MATA sportsmanship award for under 16.

Brandon is the son of Barbara and Michael.  

2005: Johnson continued his winning ways in 05 with a record of 13-12 primarily at the #3 position.

2005 Fall: Johnson was injured early in the fall which limited his tournament play. However in his first tournament back from injury he advanced to the finals of the "B" flight at the UNC invitational and finished the fall with a 4-3 singles record..