Thank you for your interest in the University of California, Irvine and the women's tennis program.
The UCI tennis program has a rich tradition of success, which includes being nationally ranked in the top 10 three times and producing a national collegiate singles champion. UCI is an NCAA Division I school that competes in the Big West Conference.
Our team goals include winning the Big west Conference championship and earning a NCAA championship berth. Our program is committed to excellence. here are a few examples of what our program has to offer you.
ACADEMICS: UCI was recently ranked 45th in the country in academics. We are committed to your academic success as well as your tennis achievement. A Tutorial Assistance Program and priority registration are just a few of the things available to all UCI student-athletes. The UCI student-athlete graduation rate ranks among the highest of NCAA member institutions.
FACILITIES: The UCI Tennis Stadium, dedicated January 21, 1989, is a beautiful 12 court tennis facility for the use of the tennis program. The Lloyd Ross Grandstand offers 1,000 plus seats of excellent viewing of the top six courts where home matches are contested.
SCHEDULE: The schedule provides top-level competition against teams nationally ranked in the top 20 as well as the best teams in the Western region. The Anteater schedule includes matches and tournaments with team such as UCLA, USC, Pepperdine, Arizona State, San Diego State, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
PRACTICES: Our team is comprised of ambitious, hard working players who came to UCI as top-ranked players in California and the United States. We offer a comprehensive training program that includes rigorous on-court drills as well as endurance, speed and strength training.
COACHING STAFF: We also have an excellent coaching staff.. I have coached three NCAA Division II national championship teams. I was named NCAA Division II Coach of the Year twice and conference Coach of the Year six times. I surrounded myself with an excellent assistant coach Tom Yamaguchi. He has garnered over 10 years head coaching experience while at Cal State Los Angeles and Cal State Dominquez Hills and has produced two NCAA Division II National Singles champions.
I'm very interested in you for our program. Scholarships are available. I would be more than happy to discuss in greater detail your collegiate plans and how UCI fits into them.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached by phone at (949) 824-6960 or email at Best of luck in your studies and tennis endeavors.
Mike Edles
Head Women's Tennis Coach
Helpful Links
The following links are valuable tools for the recruiting process. While the information is provided here for your use it should not be relied upon as the only source of information.
UCI General Catalogue: Everything you want to know about the University of California, Irvine.
UCI Admission Information: helpful information on what you will need for admission into the university
College Bound Student Athlete: The NCAA's College Bound Student-Athlete site contains information on academic eligibility, NCAA Clearinghouse, Letters of Intent and much more.
UCI Athletic Academic Services: Athletic Academic Services provides a wealth of information for both incoming and current student-athletes.
Pathways OnLine Undergraduate Admissions Information: At Pathways you will find information about undergraduate admissions and the Application Center, where you will receive helpful information on applications policies and procedures.
Prospective Students from Other Countries: The University of California welcomes students from other countries and this site provides important information on applying for admission, English Language Requirements, Finances and much more.
Financial Aid: If you will be seeking financial aid, this is the place to start your information quest.
Educational Testing Service: The Educational Testing Service provides information on SAT I and SAT II tests, test dates, fees, registration etc.